Inserting a checkbox into a Word document is a common task when you create surveys or forms using Office Word. This guide describes 2 ways to insert checkboxes in Word document.

  1. Best Word Document For Mac
  2. Word Document For Mac
  3. Check Boxes Word For Mac 2017 Document File
  4. Check Boxes Word For Mac 2017 Documents

Click OK on the Word Options dialog box to close it. The Sum command displays as a button on the Quick Access Toolbar. You can click the Sum button when the cursor is in the last cell of the Amount column of the table discussed earlier to total the numbers in the column. But Word 2016 for Mac is just a cursory effort that’s typical of Microsoft’s ‘just enough – but no more’ attitude to the Mac version of Office. Here’s Insert Advanced Symbol. We assume the term ‘Advanced’ is used here sarcastically because there’s little ‘advanced’ about it. Check box form field provides an easy way for a user to select an item on a form.This tutorial will show you the way to insert check box form field into Word document. Insert check box form field in Word 2007/2010/2013/2016.

Method 1: Insert a Check Box for Printing Only

With these methods, you can insert a checkbox for printing only and your readers can check it with the pen.

Step 1: In Word document, select the list that you want to insert a checkbox.

1. In the Home tab, click the small down-arrow next to the Bullets button.

2. Then choose Define New Bullet from the drop-down list.

Step 2: In Define New Bullet dialog box, click Symbol button.

Step 3: In Symbol window, select Wingdings from the Font drop-down menu.

Next, you can select the check box that is either checked or unchecked, and insert it into your Word document.

The empty check box appears on the screen and printout. Your readers can check the check box manually.

Method 2: Insert a Clickable Check Box

Microsoft Word allows you to insert check boxes that are clickable. Here’s how:

Step 1: Customize the ribbon.

Click on Home tab, then right-click on an empty spot on the ribbon, choose Customize the Ribbon.

Step 2: Add Developer tab to Ribbon.

In Word Options dialog, select Customize Ribbon tab in the left pane. Select Main Tabs from the Customize the Ribbon drop-down box. Then check the Developer option in the list. Click OK.

Check boxes word for mac 2017 document file

Step 3: Click check box icon to insert a check box at your cursor’s location.

Tips: You can change the check box symbol from an X to a check mark or other symbol, or make other changes, such as the color or size of the checkbox. Learn more see how to make changes to check boxes.

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Word Document For Mac

To display or hide formatting marks (e.g., spaces, tabs, and paragraphbreaks) in a Microsoft Word document:

Word for Windows

  1. In Word 2010, on the File tab, click Options. InWord 2007, from the Office Button menu, select WordOptions near the bottom right corner of the menu.
  2. Select Display from the listing at the left.
  3. In the section titled 'Always show these formatting marks on thescreen', check or uncheck the appropriate boxes to view the marks ofyour choice. To show or hide them all, select Show all formatting marks.
  4. To save your changes, click OK.

Check Boxes Word For Mac 2017 Document File

Word for Mac OS X

  1. From the Word menu, select Preferences....
  2. Select View.
  3. In the section titled 'Nonprinting characters', check or uncheckthe appropriate boxes to view the marks of your choice. CheckAll to see all formatting marks.
  4. To save your changes, click OK.

You can also toggle between displaying and hiding formattingmarks. To do so:

Check Boxes Word For Mac 2017 Documents

  • In Word for Windows, on the Home tab, in the Paragraphgroup, click the paragraph icon.
  • In Word for Mac OS X, click the paragraph icon in the Standardtoolbar. If you don't see the icon, from the View menu,choose Toolbars, and then check Standard.