
  1. Cummins Pid Codes List
  2. Gm Pid Values
  3. Pid Codes List

These OBD codes were standardized using SAE J2012 and ISO 15031-6 standards which, to our knowledge, contain about 11 000 definitions in the most recent version. Below you will find a list of the most commonly used codes. Our software contains all of the 11 000 codes. Don't hesitate to download it. It's easiest to use the 'Find On This Page' feature of your browser's 'Edit' menu to find codes on this page as the list is quite long. These are listed in numerical order for easy searching. When retrieving Jeep check engine light codes with an OBD II scan tool, proceed as follows: 1. CODE (LAMP) SID(S) PID(P) FMI SPN FMI DESCRIPTION QSB QSC QSL9 QSM1 1 QSX1 5 QSK19 QSK23 QS T 30 QSK45 QSK60 QSK78 HHP Level Number (.) 231 (Yellow) P109 3 109 3 Engine Coolant Pressure Sensor Circuit - shorted high X 2 232 (Yellow) P109 4 109 4 Engine Coolant Pressure Sensor Circuit - shorted low X 2 233. Fication (PID) list. A manufacturer-specific data list may display ECT status in Fahrenheit or Celsius and add a sep-arate PID for the ECT signal voltage. In spite of these and other limitations, OBD II generic mode still contains many of the trouble codes, freeze frame data and basic datastream information needed to solve many emissions. Code type: Explanation: Generic (normally P0xxx) The definition for the code is defined in the EOBD / OBD-II standard and will be the same for all manufacturers. Manufacturer-specific (normally P1xxx) Where manufacturers feel that a code is not available within the generic list, they can add their own codes.

HL7 PID segment has three fields for Patient Identifiers, PID.2 - Patient ID (External ID), PID.3 - Patient Identifier List (Internal ID), PID.4 - Alternate Patient ID.
HL7 recommended use of these fields have changed in different revisions. How a healthcare system recognize & use these different fields is totally a system dependent. For any HL7 interface development, it is advisable to consult source system administrator during analysis.

In this article, I will discuss these three fields & their applications

PID.2 Patient ID (External ID)

This field generally identifies a patient across facilities. When we have a multi facility setup or we receive messages from external systems, this field is stores patient id from that system.
These days many organizations are in process of implementing EMPI(Enterprise Master Patient Index) and they use PID.2 to store EMPI which can identify a patient across facilities/hospitals.
This field has been deprecated & term 'External Id' associated with this field has been removed from HL7 v2.3.1 onwards and it is recommended to use PID.3 for all kind of patient identifiers.
This field still remains for backward compatibility and older systems still use this.

PID.3 Patient Identifier List

This filed contains list of identifiers which are used to identify a patient within or across healthcare facility. Multiple repetitions are used to store different identifiers.
Most common use ot PID.3 in healthcare systems is to store MRN (Medical Record Number) of a patient. But repetitions allow us to store multiple identifiers like MRN, Billing Number, SSN etc. HL7 Table 0203 - Identifier Type lists all possible identifier types.
The repetitions: assigning authority, assigning facility, and identifier type code attributes of PID.3 allow for distinctive identifier representation.

Components: <ID (ST)> ^ <check digit (ST)> ^ <code identifying the check digit scheme employed (ID)> ^ <assigning authority (HD)> ^ <identifier type code (IS)> ^ <assigning facility (HD)>
Subcomponents of assigning authority: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
Subcomponents of assigning facility: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>

A Sample PID.3 field

PID|1||12345^^^ADT1^MR^MCM~123456789^^^ADT1^SS^MCM~1-123-123^^^ADT1^PI^MCM||JONES^WILLIAM^A^III||19610615|M||C|1200 N ELM STREET^^GREENSBORO^NC^27401 1020|GL|(919)379 1212|(919)271 3434||S||PATID12345001^2^M10^ADT1^AN^A|123456789

Ford pid codes

Following is the detail of different repetitions used in highlighted PID.3 in above PID segment & table lists meaning of different Identifier Type Codes


Identifier Type CodeMeaningField ValueAssigning AuthorityAssigning Facility
SS SSN 123456789 ADT1 MCM
PI Patient Internal Identifier 1-123-123 ADT1 MCM

PID.4 Alternate Patient ID

This field has been depricated from HL7 v2.3.1 onwards and it is recommended to use PID.3 for all kind of patient identifiers.
It was used to store Patient ID when we have more than one identifier for patient.
Note: I have never seen HL7 feed which sends PID.4 in my projects.

0. Prerequisites

If your project does not meet the following criteria, your pull request will be rejected:

  • Publicly available source code repository…
  • Containing schematics or source code for a device with a USB interface…
  • Licensed under a recognized open source or open source hardware license. Your source code repository must contain a LICENSE file attesting to this fact.

If your project involves both hardware and software, both need to be licensed under recognised OSS and OSHW licenses. If your project involves only one or the other, we may ask for further justification as to why you need a PID associated with your software project / development board instead of allowing end-users to request their own.

If your project doesn’t yet meet these requirements, please hold off requesting a PID until it does. Don’t worry, we’re not likely to run out of PIDs soon.

1. Fork us

Create a fork of our repository on GitHub.

2. Set up your organisation page

Gm pid code list

Create a directory named after your organisation in the org directory.The directory has to be named with no spaces.
Create a file inside it called index.md and add the following content:

Pid Codes List

If it’s just you, that’s fine too - put your own name and a short blurb about you and what you do. The site is an optional website for your organisation.

3. Find a VID and PID

Browse the list of PIDs for an unused PID number. You may request any number that is not in use, except those reserved (0xxx and 1xxx) as described on the PID list page.

When you’ve found a PID, create a directory named after it in the VID directory. So, if you picked PID 2345 on VID 1209, create a directory with the path /1209/2345/. Inside it, create a file called index.md and add the following content:

Cummins Pid Codes List

The title field is what will appear on the pid.codes directory. Titles will be prefixed with the name of your organisation, so don’t include that in the title. Try and pick a name you’d want to see in Device Manager or dmesg.

Gm Pid Values

For the owner field, specify the name of the directory you created for your organisation in step 2. For license, you must name a valid open-source license; pull requests that do not have this field filled out correctly will be rejected.

The site field should point to the most relevant URL about your project. The source field must point to a URL at which users can find the source code for your device; this includes both PCB designs and firmware. This does not have to be on GitHub. The two URLs can be the same.

Under the second triple-dashed line, you may write a short description of your project, if you wish; this is not mandatory.

4. Send us a pull request

Pid Codes List

Commit your changes to your fork of the repository with a descriptive commit message, and send us a pull request. Pull requests will only be accepted if they follow the rules laid out for the VID you are requesting a PID under. If this is not your first PID, or you’re requesting multiple PIDs, we may ask for more details and justification. Once we accept your pull request, your registration will go live and appear on pid.codes.