WebDAV (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning) is a communications protocol that provides access to the file system on the staging server similar to FTP/SFTP and can be used in lieu of FTP/SFTP. Unlike FTP/SFTP, when file management is performed using WebDAV, OU Campus treats the files as if they were being managed via the OU Campus interface. This includes permissions/access control, checking files in and out, renaming, adding, deleting, etc. WebDAV functionality (aka verbs) such as rename, delete, get, and put integrate with OU Campus.

Webdav client windows 10

This is an issue with the mac client requesting folders without a trailing slash (at least the issue we were having). I can think of nothing you can do on the client side except for switching to a third party webdav client such as transmit. I have no idea if this will ever be fixed on the mac as this fix is required quite often. The Mac integrates the WebDAV feature in the file system and many applications such as Finder create an enormous amount of file system operations. If not cached by the WebDAV client in the Mac operating system, these requests will be sent to the server, thus slowing down the WebDAV.

  • There will be 3rd party apps supporting WebDAV and pretty much every other protocol or service through the Files app after the public release of iOS 11. Download and install the applicaton on your device. All kinds of regular files supported: folders, documents, photos, movies, apps, backups and other files.
  • Cyberduck is a libre server and cloud storage browser for Mac and Windows with support for FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, Amazon S3, OpenStack Swift, Backblaze B2, Microsoft Azure & OneDrive, Google Drive and Dropbox. Cyberduck Mountain Duck CLI Connecting to every server.

WebDAV is provided by default for an account and must be enabled on a per-site basis and for each level 9 or level 10 user that needs it. Once enabled in OU Campus, a WebDAV client can be used to connect to the staging server. This view of the system provides restricted access to both the OMNI-RESOURCES and the OMNI-INF folders for a site.

When allowing WebDAV access in user settings, note the WebDAV URL. This is used when configuring settings for the WebDAV client, and is the path to the site. A specific folder can be appended to it and used for the WebDAV client configuration.

Asset files are not accessible for editing via WebDAV.

Authentication MethodsLink to this section

You can log in to an OU Campus site using WebDAV using LDAP or OU Campus login credentials. CAS and Shibboleth authentication is not supported for WebDAV, as the user's password must be stored inside OU Campus; CAS and Shibboleth both store passwords separately from OU Campus, which WebDAV cannot access during the authentication process. If you have LDAP configured for single sign-on, you need to set a password in your account settings to authenticate via WebDAV.

Webdav Client Windows 10

If WebDAV is activated for a site but users in the site do not have passwords added into the system, OU Campus prompts administrators to give a password to the user.

Supported ClientsLink to this section

The integration of WebDAV into OU Campus supports a number of WebDAV clients. It is always recommended to use the most up-to-date version of the below clients to ensure they support TLS 1.2 or greater. Older version may also be supported depending upon encryption settings and support of TLS 1.2.

  • Adobe Dreamweaver (Web development, both Windows and Mac) CC 2017+
  • Coda (FTP/SFTP/WebDAV client, Mac), version 2.7+
  • Cyberduck (FTP/SFTP/WebDAV client, both Windows and Mac), version 7.2+
  • Interarchy (FTP/SFTP/WebDAV client, Mac), version 10.0.7+
  • Mac OS X Finder (Mac), for OS X 10.9+
  • Oxygen XML Editor v20+
  • Transmit (FTP/SFTP/WebDAV client, Mac), version 5.0+

NotesLink to this section

  • When troubleshooting connection errors, WebDAV must be enabled for each site, as well as for the administrator. If not enabled at one of these levels, the WebDAV client can't connect.
  • Use caution when granting staging server access as an administrator is able to delete the site files from the staging server.
  • Users may need to refresh their browser windows in both OU Campus and the WebDAV client to see changes made by one or the other, if both are active at the same time.
  • Files and folders can only be moved within the WebDAV-enabled site. Moving files across sites is not supported. (One alternative to be considered is copying files to a local computer and then to the desired site.)
  • Naming and renaming a file doesn't conform to the siteā€²s pre-defined regex settings. Special characters are permitted upon upload and renaming file or folders. Users need to be careful as some special characters can cause OU Campus to stop responding to the file. Error behavior in this case can include preview and rename not functioning. If a problem character is present in a file that was uploaded or renamed via a WebDAV client into OU Campus, the user needs to use the WebDAV client to rename the file.
  • Uploading non-binary files (text) via WebDAV is permitted. Uploading binary files via WebDAV to the OU Campus staging server is permitted as long as binary management is enabled.
  • The WebDAV client, if it supports locking, checks out files to the user in OU Campus. If a file is checked out to another user in OU Campus, then the file is locked to the WebDAV client; the client can't edit it but can view a read-only copy of the file.
  • OU Campus can override locks that are initiated by a WebDAV client. When this occurs, the corresponding WebDAV client still holds the lock even though it is now invalid. However, OU Campus correctly denies access if the WebDAV client tries to act on the (now invalidly locked) file. An exception to this is Dreamweaver allows a lock override.
  • Status:Closed(View Workflow)
  • Resolution: Timed out
  • Fix Version/s: None
  • Labels:
  • Support reference count:
  • Symptom Severity:
  • Bug Fix Policy:

Third Party Webdav Client For Mac Catalina


WebDAV does not work with Crowd SSO using Finder on MacOS


  • Mac OS X
  • Finder (native file explorer)
  • Crowd SSO configured with Confluence

Steps to Reproduce

Webdav Client For Windows

  1. Configure Crowd SSO with Confluence: Integrating Crowd with Atlassian Confluence
  2. Open Finder and follow this guide: Configuring a WebDAV client for Confluence
Third party webdav client for mac catalina

Expected Results

When connected, you should see Confluence content in a file system structure

Actual Results

Finder window displays an empty folder

The below exception is thrown in the atlassian-confluence.log file:


Mac Osx Webdav


Third Party Webdav Client For Mac

Use a different platform or a third-party tool such as Cyberduck

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